Maki sushi, in Japanese cuisine, is a sushi dish made from sushi rice with one or more fillings of fish, vegetables, molluscs, crustaceans and seaweed. Very often, in the West, the word sushi is associated with raw fish which in Japanese is actually called sashimi. Sushi is regarded as the main dish of Japanese cuisine.
Maki sushi is the most famous Japanese recipe around the globe and is usually wrapped in a sheet of nori seaweed, which encloses the rice and the filling. Based on the shape, structure and filling, it takes the name of: hosomaki, the smaller ones and characterized by a single ingredient as filling, futomaki, with two or more ingredients, uramaki which are reversed because they have rice outside of the sushi roll and the seaweed inside and finally the temaki, seaweed cones filled with rice, fish and vegetables.
Two recipes will be shown. The first recipe is the more traditional and suitable for the more experienced, while the second is the more innovative and also suitable for beginners thanks to the help of the TEXOLIQ bazooka sushi. In both recipes, in addition to the ingredients, all that is needed is the TEXOLIQ sushi kit. So, the advice is to order the TEXOLIQ sushi kit now in the link below.
Preparation of seasoning for sushi rice
To prepare sushi rice, it is necessary to season the rice with a basic condiment called sushizu, which in addition to giving it flavour, also serves to keep the rice soft and to preserve its tenderness.
TEXOLIQ sushi kit.
- 75 grams of rice vinegar
- 30 grams of granulated sugar
- 15 grams of salt
mix all the ingredients well using the TEXOLIQ bamboo spoon in a bowl.
Preparation of sushi rice
Sushi rice is the key ingredient to really good sushi. Learning to cook it to perfection is the basis for becoming true experts in Japanese cuisine.
TEXOLIQ sushi kit.
- 450 grams of sushi rice
- 450 grams of natural water
- 120 grams of seasoning for sushi rice (preparation in the previous section)
Wash the rice with running drinking water to remove the starch, drain the excess water and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
In a saucepan with high sides, add the washed rice and plain water.
Cover the pot with a lid and bring to a boil.
Lower the heat and let it cook for 15 minutes.
Turn off the heat and let it rest for 15 minutes.
Add the rice seasoning and mix with the TEXOLIQ bamboo spoon.
Finally, cover the rice with a damp cloth, keep it at room temperature.
How to wrap makisu with plastic wrap
It is highly recommended to cover the mat with cling film to prevent the rice grains from getting stuck between the bamboo sticks. Protecting the mat with a film also makes cleaning much easier.
Place the kitchen foil on the work surface.
Use the length of foil more than twice the length of the bamboo mat.
Lay the mat on top of the cling film (bamboo sticks side up).
Wrap the mat in cling film.
Wrap all sides and make sure the entire mat is wrapped in cling film.
Fold the mat over on itself twice, and poke small holes in the center with the tip of the knife.
Traditional maki sushi recipe
Maki is a type of sushi well known throughout the world, and is often prepared with two or three fillings chosen to complement each other in taste and color. Obviously it is possible to give vent to creativity by using different combinations of fillings.
TEXOLIQ sushi kit.
- A sheet of nori seaweed
- 150 grams of sushi rice
- 40 grams of blast chilled salmon fillet
- 25 grams of avocado
- 25 grams of carrots
To prepare the maki sushi, start by cutting all the ingredients into strips about 1.5 centimeters thick with the TEXOLIQ knife.
Spread the nori seaweed sheet on the TEXOLIQ bamboo mat already wrapped in film, taking care to leave the rough part at the top, where you will spread the sushi rice using the TEXOLIQ spatula, trying to leave a couple of centimeters away from the upper edge.
Place all the ingredients in the center of the rice and using the mat, close the seaweed by applying light pressure as you proceed with the movement. If the roll does not close well, you can fix the seaweed with a few grains of rice on the end.
Place the sushi roll on the work surface and cut it perfectly in half.
Place the two pieces side by side and cut them into 4 pieces, trying to get 8 equal pieces.
Innovative maki sushi recipe
Thanks to the TEXOLIQ Sushi bazooka tool, preparing sushi has never been easier! This innovative tool included in the TEXOLIQ Sushi preparation kit allows you to create perfect maki sushi rolls even for those who are not practical or have never prepared maki sushi before.
TEXOLIQ sushi kit.
- A sheet of nori seaweed
- 150 grams of sushi rice
- Choice of ingredients cut into strips
Place the TEXOLIQ sushi bazooka on the work surface with the lid facing left. Turn the lid counterclockwise and remove it. Press lightly to lower the two levers located at the bottom of the tool and open the TEXOLIQ sushi bazooka. Remove the plunger placed inside.
Using kitchen paper, lightly oil the internal parts and the plunger of the TEXOLIQ sushi bazooka.
Spread the rice, using a spatula or directly with your hands, inside the TEXOLIQ bazooka sushi.
Create a furrow by placing the plunger over the rice and repeat the operation for the remaining part.
Insert the strips of ingredients into the grooves you just created.
Place the tip of the plunger into the grooves on the right side of the bazooka.
Close the TEXOLIQ sushi bazooka, lift the two levers and put the lid on (align the lid correctly and turn clockwise).
Turn the plunger counterclockwise to compress the sushi roll tightly inside the bazooka.
Spread the nori seaweed sheet on the TEXOLIQ bamboo mat already wrapped in film, taking care to leave the rough side on top. Moisten the upper part with wet fingers to have an excellent closure of the roll.
Remove the lid from the TEXOLIQ sushi bazooka (Turn anticlockwise to remove it). Fire the sushi roll over the nori seaweed by pulling the plunger all the way down.
Roll up the sushi roll with the bamboo mat until it is closed.
Place the sushi roll on the work surface and cut it perfectly in half. Place the two pieces side by side and cut them into 4 pieces, trying to get 8 equal pieces.